Hi, my name is Zak Klinedinst
Web Developer & Software Engineer


About me

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Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio. I'm currently a software engineering student and web developer based in Chattanooga, TN. Before pursuing this career, I spent 12 years in the Navy where I worked as a nuclear operator and supervisor on two submarines.

I believe the skills and discipline I gained during that time have helped me succeed in my current field.

In my personal life, I enjoy spending time with my wife, two daughters, and our dog, Pippa.

If you have any questions or if there's anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

View Resume



This was a project done through the Zero to Mastery Complete Web Development course.

We learned about React and how to use it effectively and got additional practice with the syntax.

See Live Source Code

Background Generator

This was created during the introduction to javascript section for the zTm Complete Web Developtment Course.

During this project we learned how to add Javascript to our CSS/HTML.

See Live Source Code


This is a website I created during a Udemy Course, made with HTML/CSS only.

I used this project to really show examples of what CSS can do with HTML alone without other packages and without javascript.

See Live Source Code


Let's work together to bring your website to life!

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